When To Give Your Baby Pedialyte For Dehydration – Health Digest

In some cases, Pedialyte may be acceptable to give young children on a more regular basis. For example, Pedialyte may be utilized in addition to formula or breastfeeding for young babies that haven’t gone through the weaning process yet, according to experts at Healthline. However, be sure to consult with your pediatrician before doing so. For babies who have been weaned, Pedialyte may be optimal over other everyday liquids, including water.

For cases of dehydration that are less severe, Healthline advises that Pedialyte is best given to babies immediately after they have vomited or experienced diarrhea. This is also true in the event of fever, increased sweating, or minimal fluid intake while sick. In doing so, caregivers can help prevent mild or moderate cases of dehydration from quickly becoming more severe and potentially requiring hospitalization.

If you’re unsure as to whether or not your baby may be dehydrated, consider diaper changes as a good frame of measure. While urine output may still be the same in cases of mild dehydration, babies with moderate dehydration will produce fewer than four wet diapers in a 24-hour period. Babies that produce no more than one to two wet diapers in 24 hours are considered severely dehydrated.

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