Ringworm (sometimes referred to as tinea) is a kind of fungal infection that can develop in moist environments where the fungi thrive. Leading to itchy, unsightly, and highly uncomfortable rashes, this condition can occur anywhere on the body, and may not even develop until two weeks after exposure. While anyone can contract ringworm if they’re exposed to the fungus, it’s more likely to infect people with compromised immune systems and those who have hyperhidrosis, a condition that causes excessive sweating. This said, ringworm is an extremely common infection, largely because it’s so contagious. You don’t even need to make physical contact with an infected person; just touching something that belongs to them could be enough.
The most common symptom is a reddish, ring-like rash with raised borders. Over time, the ring begins to expand in size, while the center portion continues to look fairly unaffected. The condition can also occur on the scalp, where small black specks may appear in areas where hair strands break away. You can avoid contracting ringworm by wearing protective footwear, like flip flops or sandals, when you walk around the pool. You should also avoid sharing towels or clothing with others.
According to Aaron Glatt, an infectious diseases doctor at Mount Sinai South Nassau Hospital, ringworm is manageable. “Usually, these infections are not life-threatening and can be treated with various over-the-counter creams or lotions,” he tells Fox News. “Serious infection, however, may require prescription antifungal medications.”