Also referred to as “dry orgasms,” the discharge of semen may be minimal or completely absent during ejaculation (per Mayo Clinic). People experiencing retrograde ejaculation may also find that their urine appears cloudy following orgasm. The condition has been linked with male infertility, and individuals who are having difficulty conceiving are encouraged to reach out to their healthcare provider for treatment.
Another reason that people experiencing retrograde ejaculation are encouraged to see their doctor is because it may potentially be related to an underlying health issue. Such conditions include multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, or diabetes. 2017 research published in Urology Case Reports outlines the case of a 19-year-old male whose ejaculate volume continuously decreased over the course of two weeks until none was present at all. The patient’s diagnosis of retrograde ejaculation was found to be in relation to type 1 diabetes. The researchers point out, however, that diabetes-related retrograde ejaculation often manifests later on. It is rarely the primary symptom of the disease.