As you get older, you might laugh as you remember the many nights you stayed up well after midnight. You realize that those days are behind you, and you go to bed much earlier, sometimes 8 p.m. That also might mean shifting your evening meals earlier. A heavy meal before bed runs the risk of giving you digestive problems such as acid reflux, which is exacerbated when you lie down. When you eat late, you’re using active energy to digest food rather than respecting your body’s circadian rhythm.
Your sleep can easily be disrupted if you experience frequent changes in your sleep schedule. When you’re older, it takes longer for your body to adjust to these changes. Therefore, you can fall asleep faster if you stick to the same sleep schedule every day. Even if you’re exhausted in the late afternoon or early evening, avoid taking a nap so you can be sure you’ll be tired when it’s time for bed.