The Unique Beverage That Can Help A Man’s Performance During Sex – Health Digest

For men, the reason for a low sex drive and how long you last can be things you think about. Lasting long during sex is not just a fascination reserved for the movies. Even though you may not need to keep up your sexual stamina for hours during intimacy, you might prefer if the average of 4.5 minutes — give or take a few minutes depending on your age and physical health — is doable.

Exercise, eating the right kind of food, limiting alcohol consumption, quitting smoking, being mindful of stress in your life, and even masturbating for practice can help when it comes to performance. So can certain herbal medicinal remedies that have been in existence for years. What we’re focusing on in this article is ginseng tea. Ginseng is an oval-shaped root that has been making its rounds across Asia and North America for quite some time now. There are a few different varieties of this plant, like white, red, and American ginseng, and Siberian ginseng which originates from the Ariliaceae family. You can find ginseng in tea form, powders, and even capsules. A 2012 study published in the International Journal of Impotence Research included 119 men with mild to moderate erectile dysfunction (ED). Participants either consumed 350 milligrams (mg) of red ginseng or a placebo four times a day for eight weeks, and those who consumed ginseng experienced both an increase in sexual performance and a decrease in premature ejaculation.

Ginseng: Can it help you perform better?

When it comes to the many benefits of ginseng, the science is nuanced, to say the least. Regarding men’s sexual health, however, there is some research that boasts positive results. For example, a 2017 journal published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews comprised nine different studies involving 587 men aged 20 to 70 with mild to moderate erectile dysfunction. Consuming the herb improved the participants’ self-reported ability to have intercourse and gave a trivial boost when it came to sexual satisfaction. Ginseng was also found to be an effective herbal treatment for men with ED in a 2018 systematic review and meta-analysis involving 2,080 patients. In a 2024 double-blind randomized control trial study involving infertile men published in the Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research, ginseng was shown to improve erectile and orgasm function. 

While it is unclear exactly how this herbal remedy improves performance, results from other studies point toward the plant’s ability to act as a vasodilator. The ginsenosides in ginseng are credited with this ability. Ginseng was thought to improve blood vessel health in a 2020 study published in Nutrients. It is possible that the root plant’s ability to dilate blood vessels and thereby improve blood flow positively influences sexual function. Apart from sexual performance, ginseng is thought to have some benefit when it comes to improving sperm quality, per a 2020 study published in The World Journal of Men’s Health. Additionally, it’s been associated with immune system health, cognitive function, raising energy levels, and improving alertness. 

Consuming ginseng for sexual performance: What to consider

There are different types of ginseng with different properties. Both Asian ginseng (also known as Panax ginseng) and American ginseng contain ginsenosides. Siberian ginseng does not have these compounds. It is important to know which types have been studied in the content of erectile performance, and Panax ginseng is one. 

Finding good quality ginseng might be a costly or time-consuming affair. It is also important to be aware of its side effects which can include difficulty sleeping, headaches, diarrhea, dizziness, rash, increased heart rate, a spike in blood pressure, and lowered blood sugar. As we noted before, ginseng has the ability to improve your cognitive capabilities and alertness. According to a 2013 study published in the Journal of Ginseng Research, this could be attributed to the ginsenosides in the root plant too. So it goes without saying that you probably don’t want to consume ginseng tea with caffeinated beverages. The effects of both stimulants could prove too much. Plus, overconsumption of Korean red ginseng was linked with excessive heat, per a 2020 study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology.

Plus, ginseng could thin your blood. Avoid consuming it if you’re on blood thinners. Diabetes medications and immunosuppressants are a concern too. Despite its relationship with sexual performance, ginseng is not an FDA-approved form of treating erectile dysfunction in men. “Before taking any herbal medicine, talk to your provider. Herbal medicines aren’t the same as eating food. They all have side effects and can be very strong,” explained licensed acupuncturist and traditional Chinese medicine practitioner, Thuy (Kim) Nguyen (via Cleveland Clinic). 

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