The Little-Known Seed That Could Lower Blood Pressure And Boost A Man’s Sex Life At The Same Time – Health Digest

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If you have high blood pressure, your doctor might have you take medications such as ACE inhibitors to keep your blood vessels healthy. You could also try to lower your blood pressure without medication by reducing sodium in your diet, managing stress, exercising regularly, and prioritizing sleep. Some people might additionally, with their doctor’s approval, turn to alternative remedies such as herbal supplements as adjuncts to their blood pressure treatment plans.

One potential treatment for high blood pressure is moringa. Moringa is a tree found in India, and its edible seeds, leaves, flowers, and bark have strong medicinal properties. According to a 2020 article in Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, an extract made from moringa leaves reduced blood pressure in laboratory rats. The researchers also tested moringa extract on human cells and found that moringa increases nitric oxide production. Nitric oxide relaxes your blood vessels to improve blood flow and reduce blood pressure. Moringa might also help with a man’s sexual dysfunction.

Moringa helps restore vascular function

Moringa’s bioactive compounds such as flavonoids, phenolic acids, saponin, and quercetin work together to reduce inflammation and fight free radicals. According to a 2022 review in Frontiers in Pharmacology, moringa improves your vascular function not only by encouraging the release of nitric oxide but also by reducing oxidative stress in your blood vessels. Because moringa is also rich in potassium, it can balance the effects of sodium and lower your blood pressure. Moringa might also reduce the ACE enzyme that narrows your blood vessels.

Your blood pressure is also linked to erectile dysfunction (ED). WebMD says that 80% of ED cases stem from another physical condition such as high blood pressure. If your body doesn’t produce as much nitric oxide, you could have problems having erections. By taking moringa to help reduce your blood pressure, you could also be helping your ED. A 2016 article in Phytotherapy Research tested 15 plant extracts on how they could improve erectile function in rats. Moringa seed extracts produced the strongest effect by relaxing the smooth muscles around the penis. Moringa seed extract showed similar effects on ED as sildenafil (Viagra), but more research is needed on humans.

Other health benefits of moringa

Moringa is known as the “miracle tree” for a reason. Not only does it have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, but moringa also has strong antimicrobial and antifungal powers, according to a 2024 review in Nutrients. Moringa can protect against the bacteria that cause urinary infections as well as E. coli and staph. Overgrowth of fungi such as Candida albicans can cause infections, but moringa has shown to be effective in disrupting these fungi.

Specific compounds in moringa leaves such as isothiocyanates and carbamates have been shown to kill breast cancer cells without harming healthy cells. Other compounds prevent the growth of tumors and suppress the highly contagious Epstein-Barr virus. Bioactive substances in moringa can support the immune system and make your liver and kidneys more resilient against the stress of harmful toxins. Moringa might also be used to protect the brain against oxidative stress that could lead to cognitive decline. Moringa leaves could help reduce cholesterol and slow the buildup of plaques in your arteries. 

You don’t have to grow a moringa tree to reap the health benefits of moringa. You can find moringa in capsule form and powdered form on Amazon.

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