When it comes to Super Bowl snacks, they’re notorious for the negative effect they have on the body. Between buffalo wings, seven-layer dip, lots of fried goodies, and a few too many pints of your favorite beer, you’re signing up for a bit of suffering the following morning. Or even later on that same night. In fact, Super Bowl snacks have long been associated with being unhealthy; even as you’re sitting there watching the game, you’re inundated with commercials of even more unhealthy stuff.
According to a 2025 study published in JAMA Network Open, about 10% of the commercials that run during NFL games are about food — and not only was the sodium count extremely high in these foods, but they weren’t exactly within healthy carbohydrate or calorie intake range either. So while you’re sitting there watching the Super Bowl, chowing down on things that are already going to give your digestive tract a run for its money, you’re watching commercials that are likely to pique your interest in even more unhealthy food. You know, just in case you wanted to order a few meat lovers pizzas to add to your spread.
While no one can blame you for wanting to indulge in these types of foods while watching the Super Bowl, after all unhealthy eating during the big game is as American as apple pie, if you want to avoid needing to make several runs to the bathroom, then you want to re-evaluate what you eat that day. You can still eat the yummy stuff, but be smart about it.
Skip the spicy wings for milder options
Whether you’re hosting a Super Bowl party or attending one, there’s a very good chance that there will be buffalo wings, because they’ve become pretty much a standard finger food snack that’s served, despite being so messy to eat. Instead of taking this spicy route, go for chicken wings that have been marinated in beer, or prepared with barbecue sauce or in a vinegar and soy dressing. Buffalo wings may be the tradition, but spicy foods usually contain capsaicin.
“Capsaicin, found within spicy food, accelerates gut transit time (or the speed which food moves through our guts),” registered dietitian Laura Clark told The Telegraph, adding that while this is a bonus for those who suffer from constipation, for others it can result in running to the toilet to poop. “Capsaicin can also cause abdominal pain and a burning sensation when it comes into contact with a certain receptor in the gut wall.”
Another big Super Bowl snack that’s known to be spicy are seven-layer dips. Easy to make and definitely a perfect thing to serve (as long as you remind your guests not to double dip), these dips can vary in spiciness. A way to enjoy this type of dip and not have to worry about what it might do to your insides is to make a very mild version, with extra spicy salsa or jalapeños on the side, so people can choose their level of spiciness. If you’re willing to break free from the seven-layer dip, guacamole and hummus are great alternatives that are kind to your intestines.
Ditch the fried food for grilled choices
To be perfectly honest, a Super Bowl spread is nothing without fried mozzarella sticks and chicken tenders to go along with those buffalo wings and dips galore. But like spicy foods, fried foods can also induce pooping. Fried foods, especially ones you’re likely to pick up on the way to a Super Bowl party, get that delicious flavor because of how they’re prepared — and that preparation isn’t likely to include olive oil. Case in point: McDonald’s used to fry their products in beef fat. Although that’s allegedly no longer the case, you still never really know how things are prepared.
“In general, all fats can be harder to digest, but the worst culprits are greasy, fried foods typically found at fast food restaurants,” gastroenterologist Shilpa Ravella, MD, told Prevention. If the body is forced to struggle to break down certain elements like fried food, then diarrhea can be on the horizon. That’s why it’s a great idea to skip eating fried food. Instead of fried mozzarella, consider a cheese plate with a variety of cheeses that everyone can enjoy. Grilled chicken strips (instead of chicken tenders) with a homemade aioli dip are also an option that’s going to minimize any need to poop.
As much as snacks are part of Super Bowl tradition, more than anything, it’s about watching the game and having a good time. But if you eat something that’s causing gastro issues every 20 minutes, you’re going to miss out on the action on the field while you deal with your own action in the bathroom. Don’t let that happen to you.