What Being A Vegetarian Says About Your Personality – Health Digest

A 2023 meta-analysis in Appetite compiled the results of 15 studies that looked at the Big…

Not Eating These 11 Foods Can Increase Early Death Risk – Health Digest

You may not automatically think of legumes when building up a healthy dinner plate, but this…

What Actually Happens When You Eat While Watching TV – Health Digest

It takes mindfulness to relish every bite, focus on what you’re consuming, and enjoy the food…

Do Your Grocery Shopping At This Time Of Day To Improve Your Health – Health Digest

If too much time passes between your last meal and the task of grocery shopping, you’re…

The Unexpected Beverage That Can Give You The Hiccups – Health Digest

While coffee or any other hot beverage might not give you hiccups every time (or at…

Is There Any Truth To The ‘Feed A Cold, Starve A Fever’ Saying? Here’s What We Know – Health Digest

When you get a fever, both calorie use and metabolism increase in your body, so it’s…

The Best Foods To Eat After Having Your Blood Drawn – Health Digest

Iron is an essential mineral needed for making hemoglobin, which is a protein found in red…

What Happens To Your Back When You Don’t Drink Enough Water – Health Digest

As you move around during the day, gravity puts a lot of pressure on your back.…

The Best Protein Powder Alternatives For Your Nutritious Morning Smoothie – Health Digest

If you want to keep your smoothie high in protein but steer clear of the additives…

What Happens To Your Eyes When You Don’t Drink Enough Water – Health Digest

Once you realize dehydration is causing your problems, you must replenish the water in your system…