Strange Things That Happen To Your Body When You Suddenly Stop Doing Cardio – Health Digest

You’re more likely to notice a greater interest in sex if you commit to a regular…

When You Eat A Low-Fat Diet, This Is What Happens To Your Body – Health Digest

Reducing the risk of heart disease was the reason why the low-fat diet was created back…

When You Eat Banana With Peanut Butter, This Is What Happens To Your Body – Health Digest

A medium banana and two tablespoons of peanut butter combined have 611 milligrams of potassium, which…

Weird Things That Can Happen To Your Body After Sex – Health Digest

Bleeding after sex, commonly referred to as “postcoital bleeding,” is something that impacts approximately nine percent of…

Avoid Eating Pasta If This Is Happening To Your Body – Health Digest

While whole wheat pasta is technically processed, it is only minimally processed so it is still…

When You Hold Your Pee, This Is What Happens To Your Body – Health Digest

Anyone who has desperately had to go to the bathroom knows that the urge to urinate…

Avoid Eating Eggs If This Is Happening To Your Body – Health Digest

It’s not that eggs are the culprit for constipation, but eating too many eggs without other…

When You Have ‘Too Much’ Sex, This Is What Happens To Your Body – Health Digest

Most people feel tired after sex, thanks to the various hormones that are released during sex,…

Are you a pear, apple or hourglass? These are the best diet and exercise choices for your body type

Want to improve your diet and fitness levels? First check what your body type is. Here…

Eating These Two Popular Breakfast Foods Together Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Body – Health Digest

It shouldn’t be news to you that orange juice is packed with vitamin C. Vitamin C…