Here’s How Many Minutes Of Exercise You Need To Lower Your High Cholesterol – Health Digest

According to the American Heart Association, adults with high cholesterol are encouraged to get 150 minutes…

Add This To Your Running Routine To Burn Twice As Many Calories – Health Digest

In addition to the fact that HIIT exercises don’t require the same amount of time to…

Yo-Yo Dieting Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Muscles – Health Digest

Fg Trade/Getty Images Weight loss can be frustrating. You did your part by setting goals, planning…

We Did A ‘Hot Girl Walk’ Every Day For Two Weeks. Here’s What Happened – Health Digest

Right off the bat, we realized how challenging it is to focus on the three things…

This Unexpected Exercise Burns Just As Many Calories As Running – Health Digest

For children who’ve used the device, picking this up as adults might be a breeze, but…

Planking Strengthens These Unexpected Muscles (In Addition To Your Abs) – Health Digest

Starting from the top and working our way down, planks activate many of our upper-body muscles.…

Walking Backward Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Health – Health Digest

Retro walking requires some degree of concentration and mindfulness at first because your body is challenged…

Turns Out This Popular Exercise Burns The Most Calories – Health Digest

Calorie burning benefits aside, when you first taking up running as an exercise, it’s important to…

Over-Exercising Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Brain – Health Digest

In the 2019 study, researchers set out to see if over-exercising could exhaust our brain as…

What It Means When You Feel Angry After A Workout – Health Digest

To get a better understanding of gym rage, let’s take a look at what’s going on…