The Little-Known Squash That Can Help Lower High Cholesterol – Health Digest

Real_life_photo/Shutterstock Summer is that time when you go into a grocery store and see lots of…

The High Protein Breakfast Food That Can Naturally Lower High Cholesterol – Health Digest

Beans for breakfast? Of course. Beans are a popular breakfast food in Latin America, Africa, and…

Eat This Powerful Protein To Naturally Lower Your Cholesterol Profile – Health Digest

Art_Photo/Shutterstock While it’s important to watch your cholesterol levels, another important measure is your triglycerides. Triglycerides…

High Cholesterol Has An Unexpected Link To This Painful Condition – Health Digest

Gout is a form of arthritis that develops when your kidneys can’t handle the excess amount…

Eating This Fruit Can Help You Poop And Lower Cholesterol At The Same Time – Health Digest

As WebMD experts explain, prunes are abundant in both insoluble fiber and sorbitol, which are excellent…

Eat This Vegetable To Lower High Cholesterol And High Blood Pressure At The Same Time – Health Digest

While it may not be the first leafy green vegetable most of us reach for, Cleveland…

Anxiety Has A Little-Known Effect On Your High Cholesterol – Health Digest

WebMD explains that it’s not short-term stress and anxiety that puts our heart health at risk.…

Eating Celery Every Day Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Cholesterol – Health Digest

Researchers previously believed it was a compound called 3-n-butylphthalide that contributed to celery’s cholesterol-lowering potential, according…

Are Eggs Bad For Your Cholesterol? A Dietitian Settles The Debate – Health Digest

The American Heart Association says that the previous association between high-cholesterol foods and blood cholesterol might…

Can You Lower Your Cholesterol In Just 7 Days? Our Doctor Explains – Health Digest

Triglycerides aren’t talked about as much as cholesterol, but high triglyceride levels can also increase your…