Eat This High-Protein Food To Relieve Stubborn Headache Pain – Health Digest

Most of your magnesium is stored in your bones and soft tissues such as muscle, according…

These 9 Common Food Storage Mistakes Are Putting Your Health At Risk – Health Digest

As Live Science notes, it’s possible for Listeria bacteria to be in ice cream. Benjamin Chapman,…

Eat This Popular Breakfast Food To Boost Hydration – Health Digest

Your favorite cold-weather breakfast might be a simple way to add to your daily hydration needs.…

How Giving Into Your Craving Could Help Heal Your Relationship With Food – Health Digest

Before you reach for that cheesecake, it’s important to be curious about what might be underlying…

The Best Time Of Day To Eat Junk Food (Without Jeopardizing Your Diet) – Health Digest

The body’s internal clock, its circadian rhythm, influences metabolism and can guide decisions on when to…

The Snack-Able Food That Fights Pain Like Aspirin – Health Digest

The comparison between olives and aspirin is a fascinating subject for exploration. Aspirin and other non-steroidal…

Why You May Experience Unique Food Cravings When Daylight Savings Time Ends – Health Digest

Your sleep cycle is built on the circadian rhythm, which responds to light and dark (via…

Use This Doctor-Approved Coke Hack To Dislodge Food That’s Stuck In Your Chest – Health Digest

According to Healthline, this hack may have something to do with what’s really in soda — the…

Try These 9 Healthy Food Hacks The Next Time You Order Takeout – Health Digest

According to Time, takeout pizza’s popularity in the U.S. can be traced back to the 1940s.…

Eat Dessert At This Time Of Day To Kill Nighttime Food Cravings – Health Digest

If your lunch is well-balanced, chances are you won’t overindulge in a sweet treat, which is…