The Best Time Of Day To Eat Junk Food (Without Jeopardizing Your Diet) – Health Digest

The body’s internal clock, its circadian rhythm, influences metabolism and can guide decisions on when to…

Why You May Experience Unique Food Cravings When Daylight Savings Time Ends – Health Digest

Your sleep cycle is built on the circadian rhythm, which responds to light and dark (via…

Try These 9 Healthy Food Hacks The Next Time You Order Takeout – Health Digest

According to Time, takeout pizza’s popularity in the U.S. can be traced back to the 1940s.…

Eat Dessert At This Time Of Day To Kill Nighttime Food Cravings – Health Digest

If your lunch is well-balanced, chances are you won’t overindulge in a sweet treat, which is…

The Easy Ice Trick That Will Help You Fall Asleep In No Time – Health Digest

You may have heard that taking a plunge in cold water is linked with reduced stress…

The Best Time Of Day To Drink Milk For Weight Loss – Health Digest

Skynesher/Getty Images Growing up, milk and cookies might have been your favorite bedtime snack, but you…

The Best Time Of Day To Eat Eggs To Promote Weight Loss – Health Digest

Weight loss is more than just what you put into your mouth. Getting a good or…

Eat Breakfast For Dinner To Fall Asleep In Record Time – Health Digest

Breakfast plates at hotels and restaurants usually come loaded with fruits. Turns out that the fiber-rich…