Eat 3 Eggs Worth Of Protein With Just One Plant-Based Food – Health Digest

For starters, lentils are a colorful and shelf-based alternative protein source. Proteins are often referred to…

The Leg Exercise You Should Do At Least Once A Year To Test Your Brain Health – Health Digest

Without holding onto anything, how long can you stand on a single leg? Be sure to…

Everything That’s Not Healthy About Plant-Based Meat Substitutes – Health Digest

Sweetness isn’t usually the first adjective that comes to mind when one thinks of meats and…

Eating This Popular Carb Could Trigger An Annoying Case Of The Hiccups – Health Digest

Exactly why certain things send the diaphragm into a state of spasming is not entirely understood.…

What It Means When Your Poop Smells Like Rotten Eggs – Health Digest

What role does sulfur play in our health? “Sulfur is the third most abundant mineral in…

Everything That’s Not Healthy About Ketchup – Health Digest

To say it can be mystifying to weed out the good from the bad when we’re…

Eating Cinnamon Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Brain Health – Health Digest

Researchers from a 2013 study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease discuss how cinnamon contains…

Aging Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Body Odor – Health Digest

Your body odor is a complex mixture of bacteria and secretions from your skin glands, and…

Drinking Milk Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Mood – Health Digest

In a 2022 study published in the scientific journal Nutrients, researchers used digital survey data from…

This Common Medication Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Cholesterol – Health Digest

Most birth control medications are made up of estrogen and progestin, which together, block the development…