Foods You Should Avoid Eating If You Have High Cortisol – Health Digest

Daniel De La Hoz/Getty Images Cortisol, a steroid hormone,…

Men Should Avoid Eating Spicy Foods If They Have This Medical Condition – Health Digest

Johnnygreig/Getty Images There are a lot of theories about…

Men Over 50 Should Avoid Eating This Cheese Every Day (And Eat This Instead) – Health Digest

Enigma_images/Getty Images Few lunch staples are as commonplace as…

Why You Should Avoid Eating Canned Tuna Every Day – Health Digest

Canned tuna isn’t a terrible ingredient for you or your children. It’s a solid superfood that’s…

9 Medications You Should Avoid Taking Before Going To Sleep – Health Digest

Corticosteroids are used to tame inflammation due to allergies, asthma, and rheumatoid arthritis, among other conditions.…

The Peanut Butter Ingredient You Should Avoid Eating If You Have Tummy Troubles – Health Digest

If you were to Google xylitol, you’d likely come up with a few different sites listing its…

Avoid Eating Avocado If You Have This Little-Known Food Intolerance – Health Digest

Wondering if avocados are causing you health problems? A good place to start is to understand…

Avoid Eating Bananas If You Have This Little-Known Food Intolerance – Health Digest

Tropical fruits, such as papaya, pineapple — and yes, bananas — are known as histamine liberators,…

Foods High In Omega-6 You Should Avoid Eating Every Day – Health Digest

You’ll find omega-6s in many types of cooking oil. Some might sound healthy, but they aren’t…

Avoid This Sleep Position If You Have High Blood Pressure And Sleep Apnea – Health Digest

Obstructive sleep apnea and high blood pressure are two conditions that appear to go hand in…