The 2 Habits You Should Change After Turning 50 To Prevent Weight Gain – Health Digest

People who ordinarily eat healthy could also see a few extra pounds after turning 50 due…

6 easy ways to spring clean and create new habits that will stick – Healthista

It’s that time of year that brings about the ‘Spring Clean’ – and we don’t just…

The 3 Worst Eating Habits For Your Brain Health, According To Our Expert – Health Digest

Most Americans aren’t consuming the right amount of vegetables daily, according to Maggie Moon. The USDA…

Unexpected Triggers That Can Instantly Change Your Poop Habits – Health Digest

Changes in poop habits can sometimes indicate underlying issues that require medical attention. Both diarrhea and…

What Your Hair Can Tell You About Your Sleeping Habits – Health Digest

Did you know that hair follicle cells have “clock genes” that regulate different processes, including hair…

Habits That Increase Your Risk Of Getting The Flu – Health Digest

Exercise can have many health benefits, like helping with blood pressure, per the Centers for Disease Control and…