What Happens To Your Pee When You Use Marijuana Every Day – Health Digest

Overactive bladder is a chronic disease. People with this condition experience urgent, frequent urination — including waking up…

When You Smoke Marijuana Every Day, This Is What Happens To Your Muscles – Health Digest

Referred to as MS spasticity, the muscle stiffness and spasms that come from multiple sclerosis can greatly affect one’s…

What Happens To Your Libido When You Smoke Marijuana Every Day – Health Digest

Given the fact that cannabis is known to heighten your senses and induce relaxation, it’s not…

Marijuana Side Effects That Differ Between Men And Women – Health Digest

Marijuana usage isn’t the only area in which men and women may differ in terms of…

Serious Signs That You’re Allergic To Marijuana – Health Digest

Signs of a marijuana allergy are very similar to any other kind of allergy, according to…

The Big Reason Marijuana Makes People So Hungry – Health Digest

“It’s like pressing a car’s brakes and accelerating instead,” said Tamas Horvath, lead author of a…