Science Says These Are The Best Foods To Eat If You Have Insomnia – Health Digest

Pixel-Shot/Shutterstock Getting your recommended seven hours of sleep doesn’t…

Science Says This Is The Healthiest Steak You Can Eat (And It Has An Unexpected Benefit) – Health Digest

To be clear, all cattle are fed grass at first. It is what happens after the…

Science Says This Steamy Activity Will Strengthen Your Heart And Help You Sleep – Health Digest

If you’re wondering if saunas are safe for your heart, know that they aren’t thought to…

Can This Italian Herb Help Lower High Blood Pressure? What Science Says – Health Digest

Even if you grow basil in your backyard, a cup of fresh basil leaves still won’t…

Science Says You’ll Have The Best Sex At This Unexpected Age – Health Digest

Experts seem to think that the best sex comes at this unexpected age because you’re a…

Is It Healthy To Smell Your Own Farts? Here’s What The Science Says – Health Digest

Although there is some contention on whether or not the science is referring to smelling hydrogen…

Can You Die From A Panic Attack? What The Science Says – Health Digest

Panic attacks are sly thieves that rob you of your breath and make the world feel…

There’s A Reason Vegetarians Can’t Stand Meat, According To Science – Health Digest

Researchers of the study found three strongly identified “vegetarian genes” and 31 other potential “vegetarian genes”…

Consuming This Type Of Milk Could Help You Live Longer According To Science – Health Digest

According to a 2021 article in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences, sheep’s milk is a…

Science Says You Should Twerk More Often For Your Health, Here’s Why – Health Digest

Certified twerk technician, Paula Árendášová, who also calls herself a twerking psychologist on TikTok, discussed the healing…