Warning Signs Your Red Skin Could Be Cancer – Health Digest

aslysun/Shutterstock When it comes to cancer, the symptoms…

The Underrated Vinegar That Can Lower Cholesterol And Protect You From Skin Cancer – Health Digest

Hispanolistic/Getty Images The vinegar you choose could give…

Why Do Skin Tags Form On Your Eyelids? – Health Digest

Bymuratdeniz/Getty Images If you’ve noticed an unusual growth on…

Relieve Your Painful Sunburned Skin With An Ingredient You Already Have – Health Digest

Pattarisara Suvichanarakul/Getty Images Sunburns can be nasty and they’re…

Warning Signs Your Pale Skin Is Actually Prostate Cancer – Health Digest

Prostate cancer typically has four stages, although the exact clinical definitions and descriptions have subbranches under…

When You Start Sleeping Naked, This Is What Happens To Your Skin – Health Digest

Temperature (how hot or cold you feel when snoozing) has an important role to play when…

Why Peanut Butter May Cause Skin Issues (Including Acne) – Health Digest

One potential reason that peanut butter might cause your face to fill with pimples lies not…

13 steps to perfect summer skin – Healthista – Healthista

Sunshine, sweaty temperatures and air-conditioning aren’t exactly your skin’s best friend. Skin and beauty expert Karen…

Weird Things That Can Happen To Your Skin After Taking Ibuprofen – Health Digest

Phototoxicity, a condition in which the skin becomes extremely sensitive to sunlight, is one of the other…

What Happens If Lube Makes Your Skin Irritated – Health Digest

Certain ingredients in lube are known to cause yeast infections in some people, especially if you…