Can The Way You Sleep Change Your Personality? What We Know – Health Digest

To adequately differentiate between genetic and environmental factors’ impact on sleep, the study amalgamated a large…

New Study Shows A Common Medication Could Reduce Breast Cancer Mortality Rates – Health Digest

A 2023 study in JAMA Network Open followed more than 13,000 women with invasive breast cancer.…

Relieve A Stomach Ache With This Strange ‘Taco Breath’ Breathing Exercise – Health Digest

Sitali Pranayama, also known as the taco tongue breath or simply the cooling breath, helps cool down…

Could The Color Of Your Pajamas Be Affecting Your Sleep? – Health Digest

You may notice signs of the allergic reaction, also called textile dye allergy, immediately or days…

Getting Vaccinated Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Brain – Health Digest

The immune system, usually known for protecting our body from external threats, plays a vital role…

Do This With Your Elbows For A Better Poop – Health Digest

If you live in the United States, toilet design is standard. However, research published in the…

Load Up On Peanut Butter To Prevent This Common Disease – Health Digest

Studies have shown that eating peanuts and peanut butter may benefit cognitive function and reduce stress.…

What It Means When You Have Diarrhea After Taking Medicine – Health Digest

Antacids, antibiotics, antidepressants, NSAIDs, chemotherapy drugs, metformin, and even certain supplements are just a few of…

Avoid This Underwear Mistake If You Don’t Want An Infection – Health Digest

Cotton will keep things dry and cool, but you also need underwear that fits properly. Underwear…

What It Means When Your Ibuprofen Never Kicks In – Health Digest

Although ibuprofen can help with mild to moderate pain and inflammation, there are several things ibuprofen…