The Way You Chew Your Food Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Weight – Health Digest

There is also some science to support the theory that the way you chew your food…

Eat 3 Eggs Worth Of Protein With Just One Plant-Based Food – Health Digest

For starters, lentils are a colorful and shelf-based alternative protein source. Proteins are often referred to…

Eat This Popular Breakfast Food To Give Your Iron Levels A Boost – Health Digest

Iron plays a crucial role in producing the protein hemoglobin which is responsible for transporting oxygen via…

Avoid Eating Canned Food If You Have These Medical Conditions – Health Digest

When you hit your doctor’s office, they slap a cuff on your arm and begin pumping…

Your Taste Buds Change When You Stop Eating This Type Of Food – Health Digest

Adene Sanchez/Getty Images The conversation surrounding processed food is a big one, mainly because it seems…

The Scientific Reason Movie Theater Food Cravings Are Hard To Control – Health Digest

According to a 2013 four-part study conducted by the Association for Consumer Research, we are more…

Eat This High-Protein Breakfast Food To Improve Your Eye Health – Health Digest

A large egg has 72 calories and 6 grams of protein, but your eyes will love…

Eat This High-Protein Food To Relieve Stubborn Headache Pain – Health Digest

Most of your magnesium is stored in your bones and soft tissues such as muscle, according…

These 9 Common Food Storage Mistakes Are Putting Your Health At Risk – Health Digest

As Live Science notes, it’s possible for Listeria bacteria to be in ice cream. Benjamin Chapman,…

Eat This Popular Breakfast Food To Boost Hydration – Health Digest

Your favorite cold-weather breakfast might be a simple way to add to your daily hydration needs.…