How To Tell If Your Child Is Sleep-Deprived, According To A Sleep Expert – Health Digest

Dr. Kilkenny says that the amount of sleep a child needs depends on age. Including naps,…

What Happens To Your Body If You Sleep With The TV On – Health Digest

Occurring approximately one hour into our sleep time, rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is important for…

How Much Weight Can You Really Lose While You Sleep? – Health Digest

Everything from your metabolism, hunger hormone, and stress response is influenced by how much and how…

Dieting Could Be The Reason You Can’t Sleep At Night – Health Digest

Dieting sometimes requires knowing the right balance between hunger and a full stomach. Any discomfort you…

10 ways to improve your career mindset – Healthista

What mindset do you need to adopt to get ahead in your career? Dr Maurice Duffy,…

From better sex to blissful sleep – 3 reasons you NEED to try CBD

CBD is still the supplement of the moment, but why? Alexandra Dunhill – founder of premium…

Feeling ‘meh’? Everything you need to know about anhedonia – the missing word in mental health

There’s an actual word for when you’re feeling a bit ‘meh’ – it’s Anhedonia. Expert reveals…

Neuroscientist reveals how to spot anxiety symptoms & help manage your mind

From butterflies in your stomach to a change in appetite, some anxiety symptoms are more obvious than others.…

In a career slump? 5 ways to bounce back from burnout and get the most out of your job –

Healthista sat down with Pippa Ruxton, executive coach and founder of Polygon Coaching, to discuss 5…

QUIZ: Do you have boundary anxiety? Here’s 9 steps to setting boundaries

Do you have boundary anxiety? Psychologist Professor Margareta James puts together a quiz to test your…