Your Risk Of Early Death Goes Up If You Stop Eating This Type Of Fruit – Health Digest

Eating a bowl of berries every day might be key to lowering your risk of early…

The Strange Thing That Happens To Your Digestion When You Stop Wearing This Type Of Underwear – Health Digest

For people with health concerns related to their gastrointestinal tract — like gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), Chron’s,…

Fill Up On This Type Of Fruit To Lower Your High Cholesterol – Health Digest

Naturally found in nearly all plant life, pectin is a water-soluble substance that is converted from…

Your Taste Buds Change When You Stop Eating This Type Of Food – Health Digest

Adene Sanchez/Getty Images The conversation surrounding processed food is a big one, mainly because it seems…

This Type Of Human Hair Can’t Actually Grow Back – Health Digest

According to the National Institutes of Health, any damage to these specialized cells in humans and…

Drink This Unique Type Of Milk For The Highest Amount Of Protein – Health Digest

A cup of whole milk has 152 calories, 8 grams of protein, and 8 grams of…

This Type Of Protein Powder Won’t Help You Build Muscle – Health Digest

Amino acids can be classified into three groups: essential, non-essential, and conditional (per Healthline). Essential amino…

Consuming This Type Of Milk Could Help You Live Longer According To Science – Health Digest

According to a 2021 article in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences, sheep’s milk is a…

The Best Type Of Workout To Prevent Overeating – Health Digest

Are you worried about how to stop yourself from overeating? Good news: recent research suggests that…

One Type Of Exercise Is Excellent For Your Skin, According To A New Study – Health Digest

The study compared aerobic training and resistance training in skin aging in inactive middle-aged women in…