The Unexpected Protein That Has More Calcium Than A Glass Of Milk – Health Digest

People who opt for plant-based sources of protein over animal sources often turn to tofu. Made…

Your Risk Of Early Death Goes Up If You Stop Eating This Type Of Fruit – Health Digest

Eating a bowl of berries every day might be key to lowering your risk of early…

Peanut Butter Has All The Nutritional Benefits Of This Popular Animal Protein – Health Digest

As we’ve learned, not only does peanut butter measure up to ground beef with many of…

Doctor And NY Times Best-Selling Author Tells Us The Worst Foods For Your Cholesterol – Health Digest

Avoiding fatty foods isn’t easy when you consider the fact that in 2023, there were a…

Dieting Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Gut Health – Health Digest

Gaining weight after dieting might also be due to changes in your gut microbiome. A 2016…

The Unique Sandwich Spread That Has Just As Much Protein As Peanut Butter – Health Digest

As more people are looking for plant-based proteins, soybean protein might be a healthy way to…

Add This Ingredient To A Glass Of Water For Strong Bones – Health Digest

Just like milk, you’ll get a healthy dose of calcium by adding ground cayenne pepper to…

If You Don’t Eat When You’re Hungry, This Is What Happens To Your Body – Health Digest

While occasionally skipping a meal even though you’re hungry doesn’t hurt, research shows that frequent meal-skipping…

What Happens To Your Gut When You Eat Lots Of Chicken – Health Digest

According to microbiome researcher and BIOHM Health co-founder Mahmoud Ghannoum, eating chicken can have a direct effect on…

Do This With Your Broccoli To Help You Poop Instantly – Health Digest

Sulforaphane is in its inactive form in vegetables like broccoli and kale. It becomes active when…