What Happens To Your Body When You Sleep Upright – Health Digest

According to a small 2018 study published in Chronobiology International, sleeping upright may place the body…

This Is The Best Sleep Position To Protect Your Brain – Health Digest

Although people and animals sleep in different positions, a 2015 study in The Journal of Neuroscience…

The Best Sleep Position If You Have A Stuffy Nose – Health Digest

Side-sleeping is going to be your best bet when you’re feeling stuffed up, as doing so…

Can The Way You Sleep Change Your Personality? What We Know – Health Digest

To adequately differentiate between genetic and environmental factors’ impact on sleep, the study amalgamated a large…

Could The Color Of Your Pajamas Be Affecting Your Sleep? – Health Digest

You may notice signs of the allergic reaction, also called textile dye allergy, immediately or days…

Falling In Love Has An Unexpected Effect On Your Sleep – Health Digest

According to a 2016 study published in Social Psychological and Personality Science led by developmental and social…

3 ways to heal trauma from within  – Healthista

Healing from trauma has no time limit on it. Nicci Roscoe author of new book, Manifest…

Can’t Sleep Through A Gnarly Cough? Eat These Two Ingredients Right Before Bed – Health Digest

Everyone and their grandmother has a nighttime cough remedy for you to try. But @glowingnaturallyuk provides…

The Unexpected Reasons People Swear In Their Sleep – Health Digest

In the 2017 article, researchers analyzed over 200 French-speaking adults who experienced sleep talking on a…

Is It Safe To Take Medicine Right Before Going To Sleep? Here’s What Our Expert Has To Say – Health Digest

According to WellRx, diuretics are meant to assist the kidneys in shuttling excess salt and water…