Are all potatoes equal when it comes to protein content? Here’s what we found when we took a look at some of the numbers. In a 100-gram serving of unsalted, cooked sweet potato with the skin intact, you’ll get 2.01 grams of protein (via USDA). That’s even more than the 1.87 grams you’ll find in the same-size serving of regular potatoes.
Even potatoes that come in the form of crunchy, golden french fries still have protein to offer. In a 100-gram serving of fast food potatoes french-fried in vegetable oil, you’ll find 3.43 grams of protein (via USDA). Mind you, french fries can also be high in trans fat and sodium, and are therefore best consumed in moderation. In a 2017 longitudinal study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers found that people who consumed fried potatoes two or more times each week stood at an increased risk of mortality. However, the researchers emphasized that many additional factors likely contribute to this correlation.